This most commonly deficient nutrient is not so common in our diet anymore.
Magnesium is probably the most important and most neglected (as far as diet) mineral in our body.

I asked an old doctor back in school while he was teaching us about nutrition, “Which Vitamin or Mineral would he want if stranded on a desert island?”

Only a student would ask a question like that, right?

He said the most important one to your health is Magnesium.

Magnesium is involved in approximately 70-80% of the enzyme reactions in our bodies. That’s huge! About 80% of Americans are already deficient. In fact, I see signs of people being deficient all the time. Think of Magnesium as a relaxer and you’ll understand some of its functions and some of the symptoms of low Magnesium levels.

Symptoms of Magnesium deficiency can include:
Bad foot odor
Poor sleep
Migraine headaches
Frequent stress headaches
Heart palpitations and rhythm disorders
Muscular weakness
Consistent back pain
High blood pressure
Aches and pains
Calcifications, calcium deposits
Kidney stones
Restless legs

Do you really want to run at 20% enzyme capacity? I don’t think so.
Every time you drink a soda or pop, as we like to call it, you deplete Magnesium.

People over the age of 40 produce less and less stomach acid which is critical for mineral absorption, (all minerals).

That’s why I used to laugh at the Antacid commercial talking about how healthy it was since it had Calcium in it. Decreased acid = decreased mineral absorption.
Ridiculousness at it’s best!

If you are taking a prescription antacid such as: PPI or Histamine blocker, be aware that you are setting yourself up for digesting and absorbing less of your food, especially minerals.
When I do a Mineral analysis on a client and I see that they are at low levels across the whole board, it means that they have a low stomach acid problem. This is becoming more common.

Notice that the doctor that was lecturing us didn’t say Calcium, although important, Calcium is actually dependent upon Magnesium to do it’s job properly. Many of us get plenty of Calcium in our diets that are high in dairy products.

The form of Magnesium supplement is very important. You will most likely find Magnesium Oxide in the grocery store and even in the ‘Health Food’ store. This is a very inferior and cheap form. Don’t use this form, because it is a metallic salt which is more of the metallic form of the mineral making it less absorbable. Think,… rock.

The best forms are a blend of: Magnesium Citrate, Magnesium Glycerinate, Magnesium Malate, Magnesium Orotate, Magnesium Taurate or Magnesium Carbonate. Dark green vegetables are the best form of magnesium in our food. It is the Magnesium that makes it green (chlorophyll). Magnesium is also found in dried beans, seeds, nuts and . . . . . . wait for it . . . . . Dark Chocolate. Probably some of the reason people crave dark chocolate is the Magnesium component.

Choose only organic if you can find it. It’s amazing that the wisdom of the body will make us crave whatever it needs. Chocolate = Magnesium, I guess. Eat plenty of green things to get your Magnesium the old fashion way.

Consider taking about 200-400mg a day of an absorbable Magnesium depending upon a Functional Doctors recommendations.

I’ve had some clients do twice that dosage for a while.

Time the dose of Magnesium at bedtime especially if you have restless legs or are fidgety when you first lie down.

Remember, Magnesium is usually needed with any heart, nervous, pain or liver problem.

When you think about health and genuine vitality, think about minerals too, not just vitamins!

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