So what is the big deal with GMO foods? And what are they?

GMO stands for, Genetically Modified Organism.

Changing or modifying the genes/DNA of an organism allows for creating a different organism or a, tweak if you will, allows for adding a desired characteristic or enhancing an already present characteristic to get a greater desired effect.

That sounds technical doesn’t it?

Basically modifying the genes of an organism gets you what you want and a little of what you didn’t want or didn’t anticipate. If you catch my meaning.

Common GMO foods are:
Soy Beans
Zucchini and Squash
Animal Feed
Rice, and soon,

Genetically modified animals to eat, like salmon, WHY?

Know that you are getting GMO-free (unaltered) food by buying Organic or wild varieties. It is by law that Organic food cannot be GMO.

You may have heard about the GMO wheat found in a farmer’s field in Oregon? No one knows how it got there. They were experimenting miles away in another field and they thought they had destroyed it all. As of now, wheat is not a GMO crop, but it seems that they are working on it.

An unforeseen or undesirable effect?

I asked my local farmer if he grows GMO corn and he told me no, but he could grow it since they make the seed readily available and much cheaper. So make sure you ask yours local farmer. In fact, buying locally is a way to avoid consuming GMO foods.

They have created modified plants to become more resistant to pests or drought and to create more of a desired oil such as soy beans, so that the oil is more resistant to spoilage for our snack food.

They did this since Trans Fats have turned out to be a major health problem and are now undesirable to consumers.

Producers of GMO crops feel that they are harmless and don’t need much testing. (They look and taste the same) I am in the camp of, avoid them like the plague if you can. It is the undesired effects that you can always count on when science tries to improve on nature.

These unforeseen effects are, new: allergens, proteins, toxins, altered nutrient ratios and unforeseen ecological/environmental effects.

Chemical companies have also started to create ‘super-weeds’ as they create crops through genetic alteration that are resistant to Round Up so that they can spray the whole crop and not just the weeds. This has also led to crops being highly tainted by Round Up, that we eat as a contaminant in our food.

“They” say that this contaminant is ok since the Glyphosate in Round Up does not effect human enzyme pathways. But, it does effect plant and bacterial enzyme pathways. Bacteria that we rely on for the soil and within our own GI tracts to keep us healthy.

Before you dismiss that as ‘not a problem’, remember that most of our DNA in our body is not ours. There are 10X more bacterial cells in and on our body than our own cells! These bacteria are essential to our health and wellness, our immune system and in other ways we don’t understand yet.

Do you think this could be an unforeseen and undesirable effect?

You see, it is the unforeseen effects that should concern us the most.

You avoid GMO by not eating processed foods, (processed foods contain the most GMO ingredients). Chose to buy local meats, eggs, cheese, and other products. You buy organic food for your family to be sure that you are not getting any GMO ingredients.

Cook your own food for yourself and your family to ensure that you are not eating processed foods. Remember, buying organic can be expensive, so chose what you buy wisely. Wisely means choosing higher in the food chain, such as: meats, eggs, milk, cheese, poultry, and unprocessed foods. Toxins are always concentrated higher up the food chain.

Organic snack food is the most expensive, so spend carefully.

Do your own research and ask your farmers and supermarket buyers where they get their products. As always, be an educated consumer.

Vote with your money to get the products you desire! That is the most effective way of creating change. Spending your money on the products you want is more effective than signing a petition.

If you have eaten poorly over the years and you need help cleaning it up, choose to work with a Functional Medicine Practitioner so they can help you save time and money.

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