Toxic metals have a very real and detrimental effect upon our health.

They are also more common than most people think and the levels of heavy metals should be checked as part of a workup with anyone suffering from a chronic illness.

First of all, the concentration of toxic metals does not have to be high in order to cause ill health. Concentrations of 1 in 1 billion can have very detrimental effects. FYI, a 1 in 1 billion or (ppb) concentration would be like a drop of water in an olympic size swimming pool! That is hard to imagine. Ok, how about a blade of grass on a football field? Wow, that hardly seems significant, but when you’re dealing with a toxin, it can mean a lot.

What types of metals are considered toxic?

Metals such as:
Mercury (of which there are no levels considered safe for the human body)

There is a big difference between the diagnosis of acute (sudden high levels) exposure compared to chronic low levels of exposure.

The symptoms of acute exposure could be:
severe abdominal cramping
sudden difficulty breathing
sudden headache
sudden ataxia (inability to stand or walk)

Chronic low level exposure could look like this: 

fatigue, recurring
digestive upset,
high blood pressure,
kidney damage,
aching muscles and joints,
inability to concentrate,
memory loss,
hormone dysfunction,
inability to become pregnant and pregnancy difficulties,
high blood pressure,
impaired blood sugar regulation
inability to lose weight.

Do any of these symptoms sound familiar?

Now you know why it is important to test for heavy metal exposure in any chronic illness.

Chronic toxic metal exposure can come from many sources. Chronic mercury exposure is most commonly the mercury vapor from amalgam (silver) fillings used by dentists to fill cavities. The low level exposure from 8 amalgam fillings (which the average individual has) can be about 120 micrograms per day.

By the way, if you are ever considering having your amalgam filings removed, make sure you go to a Biological Dentist who is experienced in this procedure.

Mercury has an affinity for nerve tissue and can cause a host of problems. It can even cause arrhythmias in the heart as well as cardiomyopathy. The heart has its own nervous tissue that creates the rhythm.

Chronic exposure to Arsenic can be from treated wood products. A child’s outdoor play structure is usually constructed from treated wood. Did you ever see a child zoned out and chewing on what is in front of him? Such as the wood in his jungle gym?

It is interesting and critical to note how good nutrition, getting the proper amount of good essential minerals can keep toxic metals from collecting in the body. A heavy metal will take the place of an essential metal while blocking the function of that mineral.

For example: Calcium will be replaced by Lead; Zinc will be replaced by Cadmium; Iodine will be replaced by Bromine; Mercury will replace Selenium; Magnesium will be replaced by Aluminum and Manganese will be replaced by Nickel. You also need these vital mineral nutrients to expel the toxins from your system.

Here are some guidelines for limiting your exposure to dangerous heavy metals:

Eat only organic food.
Eat raw green foods such as cilantro, parsley, cauliflower, broccoli and garlic. Great for removing toxic metals and contains sulfur, the nemesis for toxins.
Use only glass, cast iron, high carbon stainless steel and enamel for cooking.
Seek the care of a Biological/Holistic Dentist when dealing with tooth care.
Avoid vaccinations that utilize Mercury or Aluminum.
Avoid anti-perspirants that have Aluminum in them.
Avoid smoking. High levels of Cadmium.
Avoid conventional insecticides and Wood water proofing chemicals.

Heavy metals as you can see can cause many health problems and should be evaluated. Many times someone can be suffering from something like high blood pressure, anemia or nervous system dysfunction for many years while medication was only partially effective because of the presence of the toxic metal.

Evaluation of Heavy Metal Toxicity is both simple and inexpensive, it should be considered a part of any health program, particularly in our modern world.

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